【同义词辨析】 2017-08-10 敏捷agile-spry

agile: implies dexterity and ease in physical or mental actions: ~ at answering questions on a variety of issues.

nimble: stresses lightness and swiftness of action or thought: a ~ tennis player.

brisk: suggests liveliness, animation, or vigor of movement sometimes with a suggestion of hurry: a ~ cleaning-up before the relatives arrived.

spry: stresses an ability for quick action that is unexpected because of age or known infirmity: ~ older players beating younger opponents.

agile: 娴熟轻松(dexterous娴熟轻松2017-12-20),强调娴熟, nimble: 轻快(重量)轻松,强调轻快;brisk: 表示活力(标红live,anim,vigor都和生命相关),有时表示匆忙,spry: 强调出乎意料的快速(如老弱)

记忆方法: 1)首字母联想ANBS想成NBA Shooter,一个NBA投球手<==动作敏捷    

            2)敏捷的意思是行动行为快速轻松mean acting or moving with easy quickness.            swift表示with ease,因此前两个词agile和nimble都表轻松,brisk强调活力,spry强调出乎意料